07/15/1963-CC-Minutes-RegularJuly;rl, 1963 he City Council met in regular sessione, a ►Cooper,Acker,and e. present, laiinutes were read and approved. Motion was made by Spratt and seconded by Cooper that bills be paid® Motion carried. The light plant operation was discussed and tt was decided to change the shift hours to S a.m. to 4 p.m., 4 p.m. to 12 midnight, and 12 midnight to S a.m.. The City Secretary was instructed to talk to the plant employees about the hour change, instructing them that this is to go into effect July 151h. Oscar Vaughan was to be offer® ed the night shift. Motion was made by Ready and seconded by Spratt to adjourn. Motion carried. July 15, 1963 ROUTINE LAW ENFORCEMENT DWIGHT HOWARD HIRED RESIGNATION OF FRANK OWENS SEND GUY BENNETT AND DAVID ECKLES TO THE A&M FILE SCHOOL Kinutes were read and Carter,Bill ?outine law enforcement. )wight Howard was hired to fill the place left vacant by the Pesignation of Frank Owens. He was to start with a aalary of .. per • .. .vlay•.Lewis•SecretaryMcClendon were selected , hire a nan for plant. It was decided after much discussion to sendGuy Bennett and