08/19/1963-CC-Minutes-RegularUMMIMUON amountiTiTuTorl was Mae 61luooper and seconded by Spratt to pay bilis in the •.. • instructedThe City Secretary was to get John Sullivon, City Attorney, to go over the lease papers on the Santa Fe land to be a • for a ball ground for -the• • • electricity• light the building mission services qill be held for the Latin Amer-len people who will be #koving aere in the near future. Motion•, L8 rate on water. In other words all water used will be per • • over 000 gallons. Motion carried. AUGUST 19, 1963 PAY ONE HALF OF THE COST OF THE PANEL TRUCK BOUGHT FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT STREET LIGHT ON POLE BEHIND THE RC WILSON HOME department. Motion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded b;y Acker to a.d4ourn. Mot ion c rra lid® MR o d C t cr t.ry A