09/16/1963-CC-Minutes-RegularSEPTEMBER 16, 1963 PAY MR CF BALLARD $500 ON THE BILL OF $600 DUE HIM ilmen Cooper, Acker, Gentleg and Ready present. ouncl s HT190M.P.M.TRIFIR ;r7VOFsWW4,j 11MMAUTIMIMMM82I i1 1i I I I A otion was made by Ready,. and seconded b . adjour Carried® Mayor i - The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis, and Councilmen Cooper, Spratt, Acker, Gentle, and Ready present® Minutes were read and approved. otion was made by Ready and seconded by Cooper that bills be p Motion was made byCooper and seconded by Spratt that the light and water deposits be raised, due to the fact that there are so idents-m6ving-and leaving bills behind that the nine dollars f- I "... . 1 1, 9"raisedtram to $15.00 for Motionand $5.00 for water to non homeowners. Motion carried. made 1 Ready and seconded " that Fred Denisont t :. -. .. salary raised rti each. Motion Motion was made by Cooper and aeconded -1: May ity Cretary