11/18/1963-CC-Minutes-RegularNOVEMBER 18, 1963 ACCEPT THE DEED TO PEACH STREET THROUGH SANGER MANOR PROPERTY JON D GARY'S DELIQUENT BILLS WERE DISCUSSED ZONING BAORD APPOIMENTS; ALVIN BROWN, BILL ENLOW, MRS JACK HALL MRS WB CHAMBERS, AND JC LANDERS The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis, and Council® men Spratt, Acker, Cooper, Gentle, and Ready present. Minutes were read and approved. Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Cooper to accept to deed to Peach Street through the Sanger Manor property. Motion carried. John D. Gary's delinquent bills were discussed and it was decided to give him until Dec. 2nd to pay up or be discontinued. The following zoning board was appointed: Alvin Brown, Bill Enlow, Airs. Jack Hall, Airs. W. B. Chambers, and J. C. Landers. Motion was made by Beady and seconded by Acker that this board be accepted. Motion carried. Aiotion was made by Cooper and seconded CI, ty %'ecretary raft adjou . Motion carried® The Cite Council met, in regular session vrith Aiayor Lewis and .Councilmen Ready, Gentle, Acker, Spratt, and Cooper present. Aiinutes were read and approved. City Attorney Sullivan met with the council to discuss the pool hall ordinance. Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Gentle to accept the pool hall ordinance as written by the city attorney with the exception of a few changes. Motion carried. Aiotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Ready that'bill.s be paid® Aiotic.n carra.ed.. Aiotion was made by Ready and seconded by Adger to adjourn. Carried.