11/04/1963-CC-Minutes-RegularNOVEMBER 4, 1963 ZONING LAWS PAUL HENDERSON TO OVERSEE DUMP GROUND PAUL HENDERSON RAISE 50 E0033LEMILM he City Council met in regular session with Mayor nd Councilmen N t and r.present. inutem were read and approved. It was agreed o send the city secretory, Ray McClendonq to the unicipal League Convention7 Houston,5. Motion d. by Gon 1® and seconded by IZdy to adjourn. IR .. _ _ _ _- a • Councilmen Acker,• • • "r, Spratt, Ready,, • Gel Minu'tes were read and approved Mtn John Sullivan met With C • .. carried. cting Secretary ituncil to expains_• r