12/16/1963-CC-Minutes-Regular5 December 16, 1963 The City Council met in regular session with A3ayor Lewi.s and Councilmen Cooper9 Spratt' 1leker9 Gentle' and steady present, Afinutes were read and. approved. City Attorney Sullivan met with the Council' having; with him the ZONING ordinance for the council to consider. A9otion was made by Cooper and seconded by Ready to peat an 8% penalty and 6% interest on all delinquent taxes if not paid before Feb 1st. Arotion carried i Aotion.was m€tde by Spratt and seconded by Gen le to a ourn. Ai ion carried® ry, , ' _.J m A a,ydr January G' 1964 The City Council met in regular session with Ada,yor Lewis and Councilmen Spratt9 Aeker9 Cooper9 1Zeady9 a.nd Gentle prescut® Afotion was made by Acker and seconded by Genf le to n,noe}at t}ie pool hall ordi.hance. R otion carried_® A otion vas made by Ready and seconded by Acker to .pay bills, a Carried® The `Puloma Ll' Gas Company was given permission to erect a building for the sale of. their products in the city near the Santa Fe railroad. Alotion was made for this by Coopor a.nd seconded b,y Gentles P totion carried. The City Zoning Commission met with the council along with Air. 3allard and Air, Courtney' engineers from Denton9 to discuss and study the coning map® It was decided that the Zoning Commission have January 28i ' ad a date for a hearing on this' a ad a notice be published in t}ae paper to that effecto Motion was madd by Spratt and seconded by Ready to ac'ourn, Carried® ayo l