03/16/1964-CC-Minutes-RegularMARCH 16, 1964 Motion was made by Ready and seconded by Cooper to refund taxes on 14 acres of Bucklew & Freese property for which there were double charges made. Motion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Ready, to adgourn. Carried. The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis' and Council® men Cooper' Acker' Ready' And Gentle present. The minutes were read and approved. t.i 1n was made 1 Cooper, and .. .. 1 Y`1 1 Gentle F put i }-4 bridge otion was made 1. by Cooper and / `. / by Ackerto adjourn. 1 in carred. C ty ecretary PUT A 24" BRIDGE EASE OF THE RAILROAD ON WILLOW AND RAILROAD STREET