03/24/1964-CC-Minutes-SpecialMARCH 24, 1964 FILING FEE FOR PETITIONING FOR A ZONING CHANGE FEE FOR FILING A PETITION WOULD BE $20.00 The City Council met in a called session with Mayor Lewis, and Council- men Ready, Gentle, and Cooper present® The purpose of he meeting was to set a filing fee for petitioning for a zoning change. b90tion was made by Gentle and seconded by Ready that the fee for filing a petition would be $20.00. Motion carried. Motion was made by Cooper to adjourn and was seconded by Ready. or Gv-, 2Z - ity Gecretary The City 6ouneil met in regular session with Mayor Lewis and Councilmen Cooper, Acker, Ready, and Gentle present. ?Jinutes were read and approved. afing was made by Acker and seconded by Cooper that bills be paid. Carrie otion was made by Ready and seconded by Gentle that bids on r be returned to bhe bidders Y 8 .. .. d. Motion carried. .i McAfee ...d Cole - t discuss the change r ordinance on of :rd in block 77. The Council instructed then 0 file a e er Commission*Aotion was made by Ready and seconded bT April 13, 1964 The City Council met in a called session for the purpose of canvassing the votes of the City Election held April 7, 1964. Those present were Mayor Lewis, and Councilmen Cooper and Gentle. The votes were as follows: R. E. (Dick) Ready 42 E. M. Acker 42 W. K. Pate 42 and the vote was declared correct. These three councilmen were sworn in following the canvass of the votes. Y 1 F .. made by Cooper seconded by QM i