06/01/1964-CC-Minutes-Regular60 June 1, 1964 Councilhe City mmd Councilman •• aand Gentle present. Motion was made by Cooper MAI seconded by te that the Dills be paid. Motion carried. C. B. Ballard and Bob Courtney of Denton met with the Council to discuss the water and sewer lines to be laid inthe Edward-Hughes or Hillcrest Addition, Contracts also were discussed. Motion was made by'T,Pate and seconded by Cooper that Mayor Lewis sign. the contract with the GC & SF Railroad. Motion carried. Motion w .s m .de by Gentle and seconded by Cooper to ad oiarn. Motion carried. f o Ai Car Secretary Hughesknd water if 3ita sewer • water. The amountof • • Is W• 4otion carried. Motion was made by Coop®r and second®d by Acker to adjourn. Motion carried. E17Sec etary