06/15/1964-CC-Minutes-Regular6 JUNE 15, 1964 ACCEPT HENDERSON, HENDERSON AND THOMPSONS BID FOR OFF SITE SEWER AND WATER IF HUGHES AND EDWARDS WILL ACCEPT BIDS FOR ON SITE SEWER AND WATER June 1, 1964 twe41RIV•••, s , )ills be paid. Motioncarried. C. B. y of Denton met with the Council to discuss the water and sewer lines to be laid inthe Edward -Hughes or Hillcrcest Addition. Contracts also were discussed. vlotion was made byPate and seconded by Cooper that Mayor Lewis sign the contract with the G C & S F Railroad. Motion carried. Motion w .s ma.de by Gentle and seconded by Cooper to adjourn® Motion carried. ind water if Hughes and Edwards will accept bids for on 3ite sewer • water, The amount of the bid is W91,75, 4otion Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker to adjourn. Motion carried. . . .: