07/06/1964-CC-Minutes-RegularJuly 6, 1964 HILLCREST ADDITION FISH POND IN THE CITY PARK NORTH GATE ADDITION 6" SEWER LINE AND 2" WATER LINE TO THE PROPERTY LINE OF THE ADDITION. DEVELOPER TO RUN WATER AND SEWER ON SITE CITY REIMBURSE DEVELOPER AT THE RATE OF 100' OF WATER AND SEWER PER CONNECTION REZONING OF A 10 ACRE BLOCK OF LAND OF THE MAC COLE PERPERTY Councille ty dt in regular sessiona• c ouncilman Cooperp Acker,Pate, Gentle, n • Ready. Minutes were read and approved. Motion was made by Ready and s®conded by Pate that all billy be Pa id. • • w•. • .. ., + • r%ecommendation of •Commission Hillerest kdditon. Motion carried. •TV IF t • w e • w i • • on , former fish pond in the City Park - • same could • , .ised for a stage for performances arranged for xxma entertainment. Phe Council agreed that the city pay for the stage and the Chamber 5f Commerce is to repay the city. Gate Addition. Mi •n as made by Acker tseconded • a Pate that the city extend a 6" sewer line and a 2" water line to the pro perty line ix of the -addition. The developer is to run the water and sewer on site and the City is to reimburse the developer at the rate of 0® of • sewer •s.... connection, ...*. •.. r •... carried. it v . • • s .w' ti { _. 7 k-cre block of land of Tine Mack Cole property* fie was instructed tit, bake this • with the Zoningi I - • • • P ^, f • v i • r « o! i • • e • F /fr July 4otion was made by Gentle and sai •j lor same, Motions, Bryan Goodger met with the Council to ask for a rate increase in telephones® The new rate is as follows B1-®9• JO B2 ®7.5o R1®®5.25 R2®®4.25 R4 TTTM5 Motion was made by :Pate and seconded by Ready to allow the rate increase to become effective at the same time as Krum.