08/17/1964-CC-Minutes-RegularAugust 17, 1964 GENE TUMLINSON WATER WELL; LOCATE 7" PIPE CITY ATTORNEY JOHN L SULLIVAN ZONING COMMISSION ACCEPT ZONING COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION TEN-ACRE TRACT OF LAND, BLOCK 77, TIERWESTER SURVEY BOUND BY VIC COLE ON THE NORTH AND COUNTY ROAD ON THE SOUTH AND WEST, 35E ON THE EAST. TRACK OF LAND 300 FEET DEEP ACROSS EASE OF THIS 10 ACRES BE ZONED LB LOCAL BUSINESS NEXT TO SAME TRACT ZONED LI LIGHT INDUSTRY. FORMERLY R-1 RESIDENTIAL •LUMINIWMMRAKK • g • n1 1 -•• • •. Gene Tumliaon met with the Council to discuss another w tcr well® He was instructed by the Council to try and•locste some 7" pipel The Zoning Commission and City Attorney John L. Sullivan also met with the Council. ,hanged as asked for by Barney McAfee. • • n • • i • ® • - ♦ • g commission's recommendation as asked for McXfeo as follows: tacre tractof • out of changedby Vic Cole on the North and County Road on the South and West,, 35E on the East. A tract of land 300 feet deep across east of this 10 acres be zoned 11LB" Local Business. A tract of land 300 feet deep across the west of this 10 acres nextto County Road zoned "LI" Light Industry. This was formerly 11R.111 Residential property and is being to 11LB11Local Business • "Ll" Light Industry.• • • Motion w ,s made by Cooper end seconded by Re dy to d journ. Motion carried. The City Council met in regular session on the Sib due to the fact that the ? ' was a holiday. Those present were Mayor Lewis' and Councilmen Cooper' Pate, Gentle, heady, and Acker. Minutes were read and approved. Motion was made by heady and seconded by Cooper that the bills be paid. Motion carried. pity Attorney John L. Sullivan and Zoning Commission Chairman Alvin Brown met with the council to discuss the zoning of the Barney McAfee place. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Pate that the Mayor and City Secretary sign an agreement with Pete Cherry for 2001 of 211 water line be put across the south part of the Cherry lot to the Northga.te Addition,. This is to take care of an easement for this propey. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Pate * adj.0n,s'Parrd. %v Mayor . ty Sec. J