09/08/1964-CC-Minutes-RegularAugust 17, 1964 Minutes wart read and approved. ! Gene Tumlison met with the Council to discuss -another water well. He was instructed by the Council to try and.locate some 7" pipet The Zoning Commission and City Attorney John L. Sullivan also met with the Council. %hanged as asked for by Barney Motion wa.s made by Acker and seconded by Gentle to accept the zoning commission's r®commendation as eked for Mc fe® s follows® A ten acre tract of 1 d out of Block 77, Tierw®star Survey, bound by Vic Cole on the North. and Count- Road on the South and Est, 35E on the East. A tract of land 300 fart deep across east of this 10 acres be zoned °'LBW° Local Business. A tract of land 300 feet deep across the west of this 10 acres nextto County Ro .d zoned °tLI" Light Snduatry. This was formerly "R®1P' Residential property and is being changed to "LB°° Local Business and 1°LIP° Light Sndustry. Motion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Ready to adjourn. Motion carried. SEPTEMBER 8, 1964 BILLS PAID CITY ATTORNEY JON L SULLIVAN ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN ALVIN BROWN ZONING OF THE BARNEY MCAFEE PLACE AGREEMENT WITH PETE CHERRY FOR 200' OF 2" WATER LINE ACROSS SOUTH PART OF CHERRY LOT TO THE NORTHGATE ADDITION EASEMENT