11/02/1964-CC-Minutes-Regular► .. t c: r .. ► ... ►. session on October i 1964 voted unanimounly to ertifying that the City of only parkway n the South side of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Moore's property at thz ntersection of ► _-o Cit Secretary October 19, 196.4 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Levis, and Councilmen Cooper, Acker, Pate, Gentle and Beady present. otion was made b Acker and seco ► 1 ol pipe, TnIS was in Tine amount BY IPOIF 7* U Jotion was made by Cooperby Gentle to send T. M. Moore t letter as t in the above► ► PJotion was made Cf Mayor Ci Secretary November 2, 1964 JR DENISON AND RAY MCCLENDON BE GIVEN A RAISE OF $2500 AND WINNIE SEATL BE RAISED $10.00 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewisy. and Councilmdj - A otion was made b ; Cooper and seconded by Gentle that bi11s be paid. Carried. A3ot0oi► wa,s made by Ready and seconded bar Acker that Jr. Denison and Ttay MeClendorbe given a raise of 25.00 and winnie Seal be raised 10.00 Carried Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by e e to arried. rliz May d r C ty cretary