02/01/1965-CC-Minutes-RegularJanuary 4, 1965 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis, and Council- men Cooper, Acker, Pate, Ready, and Gentle present. Minutes were read and approved. Motion was made by Ready and seconded by Acker that 13000.00 be trans®ferred from the Tax Sinking Fund to the General Fund. Motion carried. motion was made by Acker and seconded by Gentle that bills be paid and that the pipe bought for the new well be paid be included in this motion, Motion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Gentle to give Paul Henderson a $20.00 raise for the use of and extra man on the truck. Motion carried. Motion was made by Pate and seconded by Gentle to adjourn. Motion carried. The City Employees wish to express their thanksH for k�e 10 gift at, Christmas. 4zJ Ci Secretary The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis, and Council® men Cooper, Pate, Acker, heady, and Gentle present. Minutes were react and approved. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Pate that the taxes in the Hillerest Addition be set as the owners, Hughes and Fdwards, and :tkH Mayor Lewis could agree. Motion carried. - Motion was made by Ready and seconded by ticker that Henderson run the sewer line on Axwtdn St. to Murl Cook's new house. Motion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Pate Aga February 1, 1965 Carri 'Phe City Council rnet in regular session with Mayor Lewis and Council® men Acker, Cooper, Pate, �et�tle, a,nd Ready present. The minutes were read and approved. Motion wa.s made by Acker and seconded by Pate that bills be paid. notion was made by Cooper and seconded by Ready that Mrs. Neilan Cook be appointed to the Zoning Board to replace Mrs. IV. B. Chambers who resigned from this positionl Motion carried. �8 AAotion was made by Acker and seconded by Ready that an election be called for the purpose of electing a mayor and three councilmen. A otion carried. AloLion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker tot,adjourn_. Carried. L ry Aarch 1 , 1965 Aiavor Th'e City Council met i_n regular session wit�r 2�ayor Levis, and Councilmen Cooper, Gentle' Ready, and Pate present. 'Mr. Acker was absent due to illness. Aiinutes were read and approved. Alotion was made by Heady and seconded by Gentle that bills be paid. Aiotion carried. Aiotion was made by Ready and seconded by Gentle to adjourn. carried. Aiarch l5, 1965 Alotion The City Council met in regular session with Aiayor 'Lewis and Council- men ��ckery Cooper' Pate' Gentleq and. Ready present. Aiinutes were read and approved After discussion it was decided to have the light on 35E and Bolivar Street be put in condition. The Council checked on the tax roll as to renditions and cards are to be sent out the 12u' of April to those whose taxes sho,ild be raised, and notified to appear before the Council the night of April loch. Alation was made by Pate and seconded by Acker,tyadjour Motion carried. .; C y , ecre ary A�ayor