03/01/1965-CC-Minutes-Regularhfotion was made by Acker and seconded by Ready that an election be called for the purpose of electing a mayor and three councilmen. Motion carried. bioLion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker uo,,"adjourn, Carried. Ptarch l , 1965 Th'e City Council met in regular session with Mayor Letvis, and Councilmen Cooper, Gentle, Ready, and Pate present. 'hfr. Acker as absent due to illness. Minutes were read and approved. Motion vas made by Ready and seconded by Gentle that bi11s be paid. Aiotion carried. Afotion was made by Ready aril seconded by Gentle to adjourn. carried. March 15, 1965 Motion The City Council met in regular session with Mayor l�ewis and Council® men Acker, Cooper9 Pate, Gentle, and. Ready present. h�inutes were read and approved After discussion it was decided to have the light on 35E and Bolivar Street be put in condition. The Council checked on the tax roll as to renditions and cards are to be sent out the 12LI of April to those whose takes sho�jld be raised, and notified to appear before the Council the night of April I()", A-fation was made by Pate and seconded by Acker, t�adjour A�otion carried.r C J/ E acre ary yr