04/14/1965-CC-Minutes-SpecialThe City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis and Councilmen Cooper, Acker, Gentle, and Ready present® tviinutes were read and approved® ?,Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Gentle that bills be paid. Carried, t�gotion wa.s made by Ready and seconded by Cooper to have new water well started as soon as possible. Motion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Ready to adjourn. Motion carried. City ecretary 11.pri.1 14, 1965 The City Council met in a called session for the purpose of canvassing the votes of the City Election held April 6, 1965. Present were E. 11. Acker and R. E. Ready with the City Secretary, Ray McClendon. The votes were as follows: Mayor--- W. D. Lewis---46 R. E. Ready---®1 Councilmen -®---II. D. Cooper--46 . E. Gentle--47 W. K. Pate®-®-47 The votes were declared as correct. it Secretary `'pril 19, 1965 The City Council met i.n regula.r session with Mayor Lewis and Councilmen Acker, fate, Gentle, and Ready present. Councilman Cooper being in the hospital. Minutes were read and approved. The Mayor appointed the following in charge of the different departments of the city: II. D. Cooper ---Street Comm. Ready and Gentle ----Light Comm. .Acker and Pate---Waterand Sewer Comm. C. C. Canter® ----City Police Dr. J. C. Chapman, D. 0. -------Health Officer Gene A. Hughes-- City Judge Ray McClendon-® City Secretary E. M. Acker --®--Mayor Pro Tem Motion was made and seconded that these appointments be accepted. (Acker) (Pate) Motion carried. Jesse E. Coffey met with the council concerning the raising of the taxes on his home from $800.00 to $1200.00. These are to remain at 81200.00. ® J{en Cornell met with the Council to discuss house moving to the City of Sanger, JIe was told a study was being mad of this matterB ATotion vas made by Pat@ and seconded by Gentle that and ordinance be passe to recJuire.'rD50.00 for a moving permit with charges for do,mages to be in effect April 19t� 1965. Pvgotion carried, b'Iotion was made by Pate a.nd seconded liy Acker to adjourn, A+otion carried, City ecretary Ordinance 1965®1 An ordinance requiring permits to move an.y house, building, or overweight or over:vidth machinery over the streets of Sanger, Texas that will in any way endanger' or come in contact with any power' water, or sewer line or any other public utilities. J3I+J IT OI�,DAINJaA by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas: Section 1. Any person' company, firm, corporation or partner- ' ship moving any building or overweight or over - width machinery on any street or across any street in the City of. Sanger shall .first secure a permit from the City of Sarxger, Texas, Section 2. Permit shall cost mover 50.00 in advance of move, Jio part of which shall be returned. Any damage to city property shall be charged to mover. Section 3. Auy person violating this ordinance shall be fined upon conviction, not less than '��'10,00 or more than $�200®00 for each offenoe. Section 4. This ordinance shaJ_1 be in full force and effect from and after its passage, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Passed tlsis the 19$-'' day of A ri Attestt� it Secretary