1965-1-Ordinance-Requiring permits for House Moving and Large overweight overwidth machinery-04/19/1965ORDINANCE 1965-1 An ordinance requiring permits to move any house' building, or overweight or overwidth machinery over the streets of Sanger, Texas that will in any way endanger, or come in contact with any power, water, or sewer line or any other public utilities. Bi; IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas: Section 1. Any pea son, company, firm, corporation or partner® ` ship moving any building or overweight or over® width machinery on any street or across any street in the City of. Sn.nger shall first secure a permit from the City of Sanger, Texas. Section 2. Permit shall cost mover 50.00 in advance of move' $io part of which shall be returned. Any damage to city property sh .11 be charged to mover. Section i. Any person violating this ordinance shall be fined upon conviction,'not less than 10.00 or >>lore tha n •' 200.00 for each offense. Secta.on 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect fror and after its passage, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. A Attestt it Secretary /