06/07/1965-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City Council met in regular session with Myor Lewis, and Council® men Cooper, Acker, Pate, Gentle, and Ready present, Minutes were read and approved° Motion was made by cker and seconded by Cooper that bills be paidd Motion carried. Mr. i%'�cJ orr�a-hrr , with a Pnmp Company of Oklahoma City met with the Council concerning a pump for the new water well.° The city is to call him when the well is finished to figure with him as to the size of pump needed. Alotion vas made by Cooper and seconded by Acker to adjourn. carried° Cit ecretary Alotion June 7, 1965 The city Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis, and Council® men Acker ,Pate, Cooper, Gentle, and Ready presera.t. Minutes were read and approved. ,lotion was made by Acker and seconded by Pate Ta,kd $3000.00 from tax fund° Motion Cooper seconded Gentle that bills be paid. -lotion by Cooper and seconded by Pate that, Charlie Haskins and Dwight Howard be raised $15,00 Per, Mo, Fred Denison Jr. be raised $25.00 Per° Mo. Motion carried. Alotion was made by Acker and seconded by Pate to a ou . Ca ed =44 ®-_®® Mayo 7/ ��= Z��tax Cit Secretary June 219 1965 �Sy1011 the City Council met in re6u�a40Aswith Aloyor Lewis, and Councilm$n ticker, Pa*e, Cooper, Gentle, and Ready present. Minutes read and approved. on°BxRobsonCoe with Council to explane contract on rate change lotion was made by Acker and seconded by Ready to cept contract as presented by Mr. Robson. Motion carried. Alotion was made by Pate and seconded by Gentle to adjourn. C :'Led. Alay