09/07/1965-CC-Minutes-Regular1� igus t 169 1965 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis and Council® men Cooper, Acker, Gentle, Pate,and Ready present. Minutes were read and appooved. A letter from1he Zoning Commission was read stating that the Gbning change asked for by W. W. Keeran was rejected. Motion was made by Gentle and m seconded by heady to accept the recommendation of the Commission. Ray, Clint, and Gus Enlow met with the Council to protest the zoning -- commission recommendation. The Council is to study therulingon same. Motion was made by Gentle and seconded by Cooper,that customers who live outside the City Limits and are served both electricity and water' that water rates shall W same as city rotes. Motion carried. Motion was made by Pate and seconded by Ready to make extra charge for three phase service to c»stomers, the rate to be set at a later date. Motion carried. Motion made by Cooper and seconded by Ready to adjourn. Motion carried. rl Playor / 4i�43)cretary �epternber 7, 1965 `f}�e City Council met in regular session with Alayor Lewis, and Council® anen, Cooper, Pate, Gentle, and Ready. Councilman Acker was working, h4inutes were read anal approved.. Motion, was made by Cooper and. seconded by Pate to give Enlow Rei�lty id Company a refund on the fee pafor a zoning hearing. Potion carried. Motion was made by Cooperand seconded by Gentle that bills be paid. Alotion carried. P;lotion wal made by Gentle and :seconded by Pate to accept the recom� mendation of the Zomit�g Coaaamission on the rec{uest of Carl Ray ITiggs for Toning change on property belonging to him. Motion carried. Motion was ra,de.by heady and. seconded by Gentle to adjourn. Motion carried. Mayor Ci'`ty"y`�;�creta.ry