09/20/1965-CC-Minutes-RegularC1i Oeptember 200 1965 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis, and Councilmen Acker, Ready, Gentle, Cooper, and Pate present, nutes were read and approved. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Gentle to change the meetin time to 7:00 p.m. Ken Cornell Diet with the Council to discuss an apartment building he is planning to build on the Howard Mathison lot NORTH of N. E. Gary's. He was *old the building; could be erected. Carried. j Plotion was made by Ready and seconded by fate to adjourn. Carried. Ci 5e rotary `1~he City Council rust in regular session with A9ayor Lewis, and Councilmen Acicer, Cooper, Pate, Gentle, and Ready present. Minutes were read and approved. Rlotion was made by Cooper and Ber,onded by Ready th - t bi11s be paid. Alotion carried. P.lotion was made by Acker anti seconded by ltead,y that the City SecreAary and Cleric tr,y to find. someone to wc,rextra in the office on bixsy days, to learn the functions of the billing; machine and to learn the procedure of malting tax statements etc. Motion carried. Alotion was made b,y Acker and seconded by Pa Mayor (silty Secretary to a . urn. A ' on carried.