11/01/1965-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis iand Councilmen Acker, Gentle, Ready, and Cooper present. Councilman Pate was out of town. PYlinutes were read and approved. hrr. lwood Allen and Mr. Varney McAfee met with the council to discuss Me Butane storage proposition that has been under discussion for several months. The Council instructed the City Secretary to call a meeting of the Zoning Commission and City Attorney John Sullivan. Air. Allen is to meet with the board. Motion cvas made by Cooper and seconded by Tteady to adjourn. Aiotion carried. C.i;y cr tary NOVEMBER 1, 1965 PAY BILLS; NIGHTWATCHMAN'S CAR MRS. SCOTT GOBER TO HELP WITH OFFICE WORK The.City Co xncil met in regular session with Ara,,yor Lewis and Councilmen Acker, kReady, Pate,Cooper, and Gentle present. notion was made by Acker and seconded by Cooper to pay bills. Carried. Motion was made by Ready and seconded by Gentle that the Mayor and Councilman Cooper see about the car and make a trade for it or another oar to be used for a. nightwatchman's car. Motion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by fate that the Council hire errs. Scott Gober to help with the office work five or six days a month during bill making time, at one dollar per hour. Motion was madey by Pate and seconded by Raady adi x0 n carried. A/ ' f City Secretary Pro Tem Mayor November 15, 1965 The City Council uiet in regular session with playor Lecais, and Councilmen Acl er, Cooper, Gentle, heady, and Pate present. Rtinutes were read and approved. 't,' otion was made by Pate and seconded b,y Cooper to !-Gave City Attorney Sullivan draw up an agreement for Allen and McAfee Butane for a three year permit on storage Tor butane. No trucks are to be parked on uric storage lot. Trie,y are allowed. four 0000 gallon tanlics. Motion carried. Johnnie te ia.e Johnson met wit i the Council to discuss dre%inage on 1"Villow Street at the lot lJast of the Colored Baptist Churcri pxr perty.