11/15/1965-CC-Minutes-RegularOctobER 18, 1965 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis iand Councilmen F1.cker, Gentle' Ready, and Cooper present, Councilman Pate was out of town. tWiinutes were read and approved, Elwood Allen and Mr. parney Mcdfee met with the council to discuss the Butane storage proposition that has been under discussion for several months® The Council instructed the City Secretary to call a meeting of the Zoning Commission and City Attorney John Sullivan, Mr. Allen is to meet with the board. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by T-teady to adj carried, Mayor November 1, 1965 rjn, P, otion The. City Council met in regular session with Ra,yor Lewis and Cora.ncilmen 1!cker, heady, Pate,Cooper, and Gentle present. 40ti.on was made by Acker and seconded by Cooper to pay bills. Carried. Motion was made by Ready and seconded by Gentle that the Mayor and Councilman Cooper see about the car and make a trade for it or another car to be used for a. nightwatchman's car. Motion carried. P,lotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Pate that the Council hire t rs. Scott Gober to help with the office work five or sic days a month during bill making time, at one dollar per hour. Motion was madey by Pate and seconded by lie a adj I n carried. p Mayor City Secretary Pro Tem November 15, 1965 The City Council met in regular session with t,layor Lewis, and Councilmen Acker, Cooper, Gentle' heady, and Pate present, lliviutes were read and approved, i. otion was xn,de by Pate and seconded by Cooper to have City Attorney Sullivan draw up ara agreement for A11ea and McAfee Butane for a three year permit on storage for butane. No trucks are to be parked on the storage lot. They are allowed four 6000 gallon tanks. Motion carried. Johnnie DRAINAGE ON WILLOW STREET AT LOT EAST OF BAPTIST CHURCH 1e_'a.e Johnson met with the Council to discuss drr%image on Willow Street at the lot East of tine Colored Dar tist Church p vi pert,y. 2 iotiori was made by fate and seconded b,y ivead,y to pay the City Secretary's expenses to tine Texas MUNICIPAL.l League Convention `v'> ich r iet in San `intonio, 1 otion carried, 1 iotiorr vas r; ade by Cooper a.nd seconded by "entl , , , ., 2v ayor ' f City' ecreta-ry November 2_.2, 1966 'to ad.jori n, Carried. `i'} e C%:ity Courrci.l r, et ir r a ca1.i^d sessiorz with i .4ayor Le v .s and Council- men Coopers Aclier s fate r Gentle, and ii,eady present. Jr. Denison aj_d Dwight lloward riet with the Council to discuss wages as to scale ar.d a raise. Aiotion wax made by ii,eady and seconded by P to to give Dwl it iiowards Jr, De la.sons Ray McClendon, Charlie liasl inss':aid iVzunie >edl a , 25.00 raise, Totion carried. ia ioticrr was ir ade by Cooper and seconded b Acker // / + / ti 1 t y% ecr e tary I' f /_ t i" h'tayor , ' `./ December 6, 1965 ad j ou, Car. , ` F / The City Council met in regular session with kiayor Lewias:and Council— men Pates Acicer, Cooper, Gentle' and Ready were present. Minutes were read and approved, Alotion was made by Acker and seconded by Gentle to pay bills, Carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Gentle that water rates be raised an follows: 1st 2000 gals. $1,75 Nest 1000 " .50 Next 4700 ,40 All over 500 '" .30 Motion carried. h otion was made by Pate and seconded by A, ke to ad' urn. hio 'on carried, , e r .s e j F / I iayor ,. ti- .- s ' Ci ecretary