11/22/1965-CC-Minutes-Special NOVEMBER 22, 1965 WAGES AS TO SCALE AND A RAISE DWIGHT HOWARD City ecref,a,ry — -. I rovenrbcr 22 s 1966 to a,d.jou n, Carried, `L'he City Council r et in. a, called session with P 9ayor men Cooper9 Acker9 fate, Gentle, and l: .eacly i resent, Jr, Venison ar .d V vi.glrt l(o vard r .iet vrith the Council scale a d a raise° t e v9.s anr_t Cour-reil to discuss wages as to h2otio7l was made by heady and seconded by Pate t, ve Vwir «t I3o vard Jr< Ve 7a.sony Ray A1eClendon, Charlie lTaskitrs `,aird ifti i ie `c` el a , 25,00 raises T:otiorr carried. R oticn was made by Cooper and seconded b Acker '` : , ayOr ' r /`1 f C7t ,`ecr.etary ad i Car e r' . ✓° 9 F F;'" ✓ ,f .rl4.r rw'' - The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis':and Council® men Pate9 Acicer' Cooper' Gentle' and Ready were present. Aiinutes were read and approved. 2 t' s made b Acker and seconded by Gentle to pay bills® Carried. ro ion wa y Is9otion was made by Cooper and seconded by Gentle that water rates be raised as follows: 1st 2000 gals® 1,75 Neat 1000 " ®50 Next 4700 " .40 All over 500 ' " .30 taiotion carried. Aiotion was made by Pate and seconded by Ake to ad' urn. hiot'on carried® ,Y h4ayox° , ✓ , C1 Secretary