12/06/1965-CC-Minutes-Regular76 Aotion was made by Pate and seconded by i' eady to pay tihe City Secretary's expenses to the Texas Municipal League Convention which met in San lwtonio, h otion carried. Motion was wade by Cooper and seconded_ by entl Mayor /r r City ecretary a„ Rrovember )2, 1965 to adjourn. Carried. `L'he City Council u et in a, called=session with i ayor rnen Cooper•, Acker, rate, Gentle, and Ready present. Jr. Denison an1d Dwight Howard wet with the Council scale ai.d a raise. Ler a_s and Cou.neil to discuss wades as to 4otion was ruade by Deady and_ seconded by Paste t ,0rea. ;' t I os rard, Jr. Dei.ison, Ray McClendon, Cbarlie Haskins,/'pa`nd V11innie .ie6 .l a ;2425.00 raise. 110tion carried. hfoticn was nIad® by cooper and seconded bad Acker { +t,,;,3ge ipetaryticr December 6, 1965 r a,djor Carr' . The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis, ;and Council- men Pate, Acker, Cooper, Gentler and Ready were present. Minutes were read and approved. M otion was made by Acker and seconded by Gentle to pay bi11s. Carried. Votion was made by Cooper and seconded by Gentle that water rates be raised as follows: 1st 2000 gals. $1.75 Next 1000 $0.50 Next 47000 $0.40 All over 5000 $0.30 Motion carried. Motion was made by Pate and seconded by Ake to ad' urn, Mo on carried. 4ayor i ti„✓ Ci secretary