07/18/1966-CC-Minutes-RegularJULY 18, 1966 The City Council met in regular session tr± Mayor Lewis , and C® cilrrsen Rate, Gent1 , Acker, Cooper present® Minutes were read and ap-proved® Mayor Lewis made a report on the might watchman situation. Motion was rude by Auer and seconded by Gentle that Jeff Ford be hired as assistant city marshall and patrolman with. the same salary of $160.00 plus FlO.00 for looking after the fire department Motion carried® City Attorney Sullivan reported on the Secretary situation and read resolution concerning the legal aspect This resolution Ifa entered in the minute boom on this r geo Motion was rude by. Acker to adapt the r ` lotion as presented by Sullivan, and was seconded by Sate® MoVon carried, dill Carter met with the Council to discuss the rroblem of drink Llf,in public places and disturbance on the streets® Attorney Sullivan was authorized to het in touch with the Municipal League as to the validity of passing an ordinance concerning t"nis problems. Motion wis made by Cooner and seconded by Acker to pay Willard Founds for painting the building. Motion carried® i40tion was made by Fate to adjourn, seconded` by c1 e , Mot on carried® r t MI o RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Ray McClendon, the City Secretary of the City of Sanger, Texas, is now disabled by illness' frorri, performing his official duties, and it is necessary that authorization be given for the performance of the official duties of said office of City Secretary by some other person during the period of