10/03/1966-CC-Minutes-Regularr �� l �� r September 6, 1966 %� The City Council met in regular session with ��ayor Lewis, and councilmen Cooper, Acker, Pate, Ready, Gentle9 and .�eker present® Minutes were read and ap��roved, . � M s: The J, ��1. Bucklew subdivision was discussed during the meei�in�� Motion was made by Gentle and seconded by I�,eady t® adjourn. A�otion carried® `'�° �'°�� � - �� ��,+� t r y' .i� ecre�ary 1'ro '�'em "� Sept. 19, 1966 laiinutes were read and approved. A�iotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Pate to change meeting time to 7:00 p®m® Alotion carried® John L. Sullivan met with the Council to discuss the J. ��. Bucklew sub®division® otion was made by lleker and seconded by Ready to adjourn. A�otion �aar�ied0 �„ °enry Cooper was instructed to offer as much as,.500® per afire. -for L. T® Derby land for o:cidation ponds. F � t ;���° �' �� City Secretary Pro Tem 1 S r The City Council met in regular sees ion with Mayor men Coopers Pate, Gentle, Ready, and 1leker present® Aiinutes were read and approved.. Bills were read and a motion was made by 11.cker and seconded by Pate that bi7.1s be paid, Aotion carried. Tt was agreed t)xat Charlie Haskins should have a 10®00 raise. Scout R�Iaster Jock CVaide net with the Council and asked that a mercury 1i�ht be placed at the Scout Hut' and it was agreed that thi� be done.:® Motion was made by Cooper anal seconded by 1lckerta adjourn. � -tion� carriede may. ,; , �� ,� , , � /� / �` �' X!/ �1� %� // � .�, R3ayor City Secretary Pr G