10/26/1966-CC-Minutes-SpecialOctober 17, 1966 The City Council met in regular .session with Rlayor Lewis and Council® men Cooper9 A.eker' Pate' Gentles and Ready presents Alinutes were read and approved® I3ob Courtney and J® I'�. Bucklew met Fvith the council and presented a plat on the J® 6'd® 13ueklew sub -division and asked the city to pay for sewer and water across the Gene ilughes property which was 330' of sewer and G60' of water®' After some discussion Cooper made a i�aotion which was seconded by Heady to paw on1�y �b100®00 der connection® Motion carried® P,�y, ��� /.5®��ar��8���"rc��+ 02 iso® e t!. Fo F'f en .o eti y Alotion was made by Cooper and seconded by rP e` a�j u i ,�� � ��ayor � _ City Secretary Pro Tem October 26, 1966 The City Council met in a called session with Rlayor Lewis and Councilmen Cooper' Acker' Pates Ready, and Gentle present® The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a contract with tine Pittsburg Tank and ToEver Co® to clean and paint the water tank. Cooper made the motion and seconded it for the mayor to sign the contract® l�lotion carried. Pate made a �votion to adjourn and was seconded b��:'�ck'e�°. Riut�ion r. carried, ��' �` '� ;, �� � ,� � � RlaY©�, •° ��� f Z� i�% f/ �'- City Secretary Pro Tem November 7' 1966 The City Council met in regular session with �3ayor Le�ris !� Councilmen Cooper, Acker Pate' 'Gentles and Ready present, The audit report was examined. and approved. The bills were read and a motion was made by Cooper and seconded by .Acker that bills be paid® Motion carried® It was discussed about giving I�linnie Seal a raise since she was doing the book work o.f the city and a motion Sues made by heady and seconded by Coopor to give her a �25e00 raise. Alotion carriede The sanitation problem was discussed and a motion was made by Acker to give Paul Iienderson �150®00 expense money instead of the �114®00 per month and let him hire his own extra help, The motion was second® ed by Pate and carried. Mayor Lewis asked the council about putting a mercury, light at flee Cyanamid warehouse and Jack Burkholder pay half of the cost of the li.,aht, Rlotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker to put the