11/07/1966-CC-Minutes-RegularOctober 17' 1966 The City Council met in regular .session with Aiayor Lewis and Council® men Cooper9 Acker' Pates Gentle9 and Ready present® Aiinutes were read and approved® Bob Courtney and J, 4Y, Bucklew mc�t with the council and presented a plat on the Ja 6'!® Blxeklew sub -division and asked the city to pay for sewer and water across the Gene Ilu�;hes property which was 330' of sewer and E3G0' of water®' After some discussion Cooper made a motion which was seconded by Ready to pay onlay �100.00 iper connection® Motion carried® P�f✓ ��� /u"��"aaaeE. s�s^�.^"� 02 /soo o z�iw°�. Fo F �.� en .� cti y Aiotion was made by Cooper and seconded by rP a ad-j u e i carried. ��`�� ,�'' � �,% �. �t �% � ,� Asayor �`' October 26, 1966 The City Council met in a called session with Biayor Lewis and Councilmen Cooper' Acker' fate,. Ready, and Gentle present® The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a contract with the Pittsburg Tank and Tower Co, to clean and paint the water tank, Cooper made the motion and seconded it for the mayor to sign the contract® Riotion carried, Pate made a motion to adjourn and was carried® City secretary Pro Teem seconded by�;�le �J ���, t�i a Y© ; � , r , t�� o'�l o n ,, , r The City Council met in regular session with ?,4ayor Lewis � Councilmen Cooper' Aekery Pate' 'Gentle9 and Ready present, The audit report was examined. and approved® 'Fhe bills were read and a motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker that bills be paid® Motion carried® Asa � � � � &. .. �• � � � � ra a� ��1.11 � �^ w o� ► �.11 Riayor Lewis asked the council about putting a mercury.li�;ht at the Cyanamid warehouse and Jaek Burkholder pay hall of the cost of the light, Riotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker to put the me light on the pole by the warehouse. Motion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker to adln. Motion carried. Mayor iCity Secreta- _ - October 21, 1966 The City Coueil met in regular session with Mayor Lewis and. Council men Cooper, Acker, Pate, Gentle, and Ready present. There was a discussion on the sanitation department not paying its way. Pate made a motion and seconded by Ready to raise the residences to 1.00 per month and the businesses to $1.50 per month. Motion carried® Vith no other busibess on the agenda the council met with J. W. Buck® lew and Bob Courtney about the Bucklew sub®division. After discussion Or. Courtney decided to so some more work on the plans and then present same to the council. Motion was made by Pate and seconded by Ready to' adej,ouriti 00ti,on darried® z f (rle Mayor ' City Secretary. November 28, 1966 The City Council met in a called session for the pupose of passing on the Bucklew-Freese sub®division. Those present were Mayor Lewis, and Council® men Acker, Gentle, and :Steady. Mr. Acker made the motion and it was seconded by Gentle to accept the plat as presented. Motion carried. Motion was made by Iientle and seconded by Ready to aSljolurn. Mot,on carried. ar City Secretary