10/21/1966-CC-Minutes-Regular�8 light on the pole by the warehouse. Motion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker to a SecretaryCity October 219 19G6 yor dot n. Motion carried. Phe City Coucil met in regular session with Aiayor %e�vis and Council men Cooper, Acker, Pate, Gentle' and Ready present. There was a discussion on the sanitation department not paying its way. Pate made a motion and sed.onded. by Ready to raise the residences to l.00 per month and the businesses to $1.50 per month. Motion carried® tVith no other busihess on the agenda the council met with lew and Bob Courtney about the Bucklew sub®division. After discussion Afr. Courtney decided to so some more work on the plans and then present same to the council. Motion wt�s made by Pate and seconded by Ready t�c�' a Mayor i City Secretary November 28, 1966 �urr�® ���tipn carried. The City Council met in a called session for the pupose of passim on the Bucklew® reese sub®division. Those present were Mayor Lewis, and Council® men Acker, Gentle, and heady. Mr. Acker made the motion and it was plat as presented. Motion carried. Motion was made by fientle and seconded by Ready to j �F City Secretary seconded by Gentle to accept the n. Moton carried. i i