02/06/1967-CC-Minutes-Regular90 in, 16, 1967 The City Council met in regular sessionwith Mayor Lewis and Council® men Cooper, Acker, Pate, Gentle, and. heady present. Minutes were mead and approved A�otion was trade by Acker and. seconded by Cooper that Gene Iiughes be appointed Municipal Judge. Motion carried, Alotion was trade by Cooper and seconded by Ready that Bill Carter assess the taxes for 1967. Motion carried, Afotion was made by Cooper atad. seconded by�, a to ad.' urn., Motion carried, ` Mayor City Secretary ---- February 69 1967 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis and Council® men Cooper, A.,cker, fate, Gentle, and Ready present, Bill s «>ere read and Coo�7er made the motion which was seconded by fate that bills be paid.. Motion carried, City Sec, Anderson read. a letter from Dr, II, B, Stillwell. in regard to the injury of Mrs, Tracy Carson of Krum who stepped in a water meter and injured her.ankle and broke some teeth, The Council i_n® structed the Secretary to write the Dre the council did not feel ob� ligated to pay this bill, since she was at such a place not advisable for her ba to be at the time of day this happened. Ready made a motion and seconded bi- Pate that an election be called for April. 4, 1967 far the pultpos of electing a mayor arc] three councilmen, These places now being; filled by Mayor Lewis, and cozzncilnten Cooper, Pate, and Gentle. Motion carried, Motion was made by Gentle and. seconded by Cooper to adjourn, Motion carried, February 20, 196? The Cit Council met in regular session with R�3ayor Lewis and Council men Cooper, Acker, Pate, Gentle, and Ready present. Alotion was made by Cooper .and seconded by Pate that Butler Boydstun act as election judge on April 4, 1967. Motion carried,tit Pate made a motion to adjourn and was seconded by,�C� ;ere lotion carried, 40� Vol I It .r l Mayor ity Secretary