01/16/1967-CC-Minutes-Regularqo Jan® 16, 1967 The City Council met in xe rtlar session with P }ayor Lew%s and Council® men Cooper, /#c}cer, Pate, Gentle, a.nd. }ieady present® . Riinutes were weed and approved Motion was made by [lcicer and. seconded by Cooper that Gene }lushes be appointed Rlunicipal Judl;ea. Rlotion carriede Aiotion was made by Cooper 'and seconded by It,eady that Bill Carter assess the taxes for 1967® h3otion earri.ecl. A}otion was made b,y Cooper carried. and. seconded by.:a, ;. '' 2 layor . City Secretary February G, 1967 to ad ' rrrn® A9otion The City Council met in x•e ular session with A}ayor Lewis and Council® neon Cooper, 1?clser, fate, Gentle, and heady present. Bil]s were road and Cooper mado the motion which was seconded by 1',ate that bills be paid. Alotion carried. City Sec. I nderson re=zc}. a letter from I)r. II, 11® Stillwell. in regard to the injury of A1rsa Tracy Carson of Krum who stepped in a water meter and injured her_anlcle and,brol e some teeth® The Council in® structed the Secretary to twrite the Dr. tkie council cli.d not feel ob® li ated to pay this bi11, since she was at such a place not advisable for her ba to be at the time of day this happeneda . Ready made a motion and seconded b Pate thai-, an election be called for April. 4, 1967 for the purpose of electing a mayor and three councilmen® `Phase places now being filled by }Mayor l,ewi , and councilmen Cooper, Pate, and Ger r tle® Alotion carried® - A}otion was mado by Gentle and seconded by Cooper to adjournp-; A% otion cai°rieda ' o , . ,, ; ; February 0, 1967 The Cil;y Council neat in regular session with ;Iayor i,ewis and Co rncil men Cooper, l cicer, Pate, Gentle, and Beady present® Riotiori was made by Cooper and secondod by Pate that 13utler I3o,ydstun act as election jtxd e on April 1, 1967, Motion carried® Pate made a motion to adjourn and was seconded by, C er, Ltotion carriede _- . ,> ./' -. .;. Mayor ., , ty Secrettary