04/10/1967-CC-Minutes-SpecialMarch 6, 1967 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis and Councilmen Cooper, Acker, Pate, Gentle, rind Ready present. Minutes were read and. approved. Bills were read and motion was made by Pate and seconded. by Gentle that bills be paid. Motion carried. The council was informed by City Secretary Anderson that the furnace firebox was burst and Enderby Butane Co. of Gainesville would install a Carrier unit for <M00.00. After some discussion motion was made by Gentle and seconded by Cooper to buy a new unit from this company. I I'Totion carried. Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Ready to adjourn. Motion carried. tipril 3, 1967 The City Council met in regular session with �,Iayor Lewis and Councilmen Cooper, Acker, Gentle, Pate, and Ready present. Minutes were read and approved. The bills were read and motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Ready to pay the bills. Motion carried. Mayor Lewis asked the council to approve the signing of the deed for C. H. Easley which is the West five feet of Lot 11, Block 10 of the 0. T. of Sanger, Texas. Motion was made by Ready and seconded by Gentle to grant this request. Motion carried. Motion was made by Pate and seconded by Gentle to give the remaining 20 feet of Lot 11, Block 10 for an alley. Motion carried. CO C. Carter met with the council and asked for a raise. Motion was made by Pate and seconded by steady to give him a $40.00 raise. Motion carried. Motion was wade by Cooper and seconded. byAcker to adjourn. Motion carried. 'Mayor City Secretary April 1.09 1967 The Cit- Council met in a called session with Mayor Lewis and Councilmen Acker and Ready to canvas the votes of the city election. They declared the following as being the correct number of votes: Alayor: lien Cornell 56 Councilman: henry Cooper 130 Fred Johnson 90 Billy Gentle 138 1.V. B. Lewis 1 WO K. Pate 129 J. C. Landers 38 Motion was made by Cooper and seconded byPate to� ad . Motion carried. ayor, it Secretar�r _