04/17/1967-CC-Minutes-Regular9 I�pril. 179 1967 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Jotanson and Councils men Cooper, Acker, Pate, Ready and Gentle present. The minutes were read and approved, The secremary asked that a new choir be purchased for the main office. Alotion was made by Cooper and seconded by fate to buy the chair. Motion carried. It was decided after discussion that a, mercury light be put in the Northgate Addition. It was also decided to pay the election judge �12.00 and the clerks were to be paid $10.00 each. It was a{creed that six guard lights be put on tkae South side of Bolivar Street since all lights on that side were out. Paul Henderson°s salary was discussed and the council instructed the secretary to pay him 1300.00 per month, which is his present salary. Rkoti.on was made by Cooper a.nd seconded b,y fate to adjourn for church services which HrRxi wero in progress at the Baptist Church. Motion carried. 4� Mayor LL City Secretary V The City Council met in reg�zlar session vri.th Mayor Johnson and Council® men Gooper' Acker, Pate, Gentle, and on present. The minutes were read and approved. Jack 'Naide, Jr. and Ernest Travelstead met with the Council to get perm mission to use the city truck on May 13111 to haul debris from lots in the city on a cleanup drive. The Council. agreed to let them use the truck provided an adult would do the driving. The bills were read and motion was made by Acker and seconded by ilooper that bills be paid. Rlition. carried. .Bob Courtney met withthe council to assist the council in working on the sewer plant problem® Akr. Courtney wa,s asked to figure the cost of a new plant, also to figure and addition to the old plant. lotion was made by Acker and seconded_ by Gentle to change the meeting time to 7030 p.m. Motion carried. lotion was made by Cooper and seconded. by Ready to adjourn. Motion carried. City Secretary/