05/15/1967-CC-Minutes-RegularMAY 16, 1967 `Phe City Council met a.n regular session with ka.yor Jokinson, and Council® men Cooper, . cker,, Pate, Gentle, and kleady present® `I'i7e orditianco concerning the rate change with Lone Star Gas Company was discusseda R otion was made by Acker and seconded by Cooper to aoeept the ordinance. A,kotion carried® Constable BILL Carter NIGHTWATCHMAN SAMMY VOSS met with tkze council asking that the ni ht vatchman be paid. a straight salary instead of him having to colkect from the merchants. A9otion was made by kleady and seconded. by Pate of ofi'er ham , a3?h®C10 per aonth salary. h fotion carried and hir, Voss acoepted. fire Chief J. B. HAMPTON riet with the council its regard to country FIRES leetJ.11 ;' \W1'G!! 'u ►% t;ui,aiit.6:wa-v. .:A'da 0 to . k @ %tia or and Councilmen agreed to ® along with A kae. Piampton on his decision WINNIE SEAL WAS APPOINTED TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR Jacky 13urkcholcier, Jacks ,"i ;mstron, Johnnie Coker, and . C® Jalters i r met Frith the counoil concerning lights at the baseball hold.„ k Zotion was mack.e by Cooper and seconded. by Gentle to build a line and put up tkaree 2 IC %I Transformers at the field. l otion earri ed® i'he bids on the tractor, m.o ver, and loader were discussed and a motion ,vas made by ,eady and seconded by Pate to accept tk e lowest bid th a.t is up to specifications. k iotion oarried® A otio a. wa,s made to adjourn and carried® ,_ __/ ` ..- - r hiayo ° l Ca_ty eoretary The Ca_ty Counc .I met i.n rc.7„' , ° s s ;.ou va.t . R a.vor Johnson, and Council men Cooper, Pate, Gentle, and Ti,eady k rdsent. A;kr, ICcker vas absent n.e to the illness of R4rs a . 1.cker, k3illy earl Switzer a:nd . Lndy Anderson of the Allis ChalmQrs Company met with tkxe Council in regard to a misunderstanding of bids on the tractor and mower, and front end loader. John L, ulJ_ivan was instructed to write a letter for witzer e plainin the situation. City Attorney a.11.ivan was present for the meeting® l+o2ar members of the Young klepubJ.a.cans of askcin for permission to have a carnival with a display of fire works. Motion was by fate to let them have the carnival on works display on tkie ba11 field. k kotion eriea met with 'the in an er made by the park carried. on the dt Cooper and and have he Minutes of the previous meeting were read ands approved, Council of July seconded fire® The ba.11s were read and a motion eras made by Cooper and seconded b,y fate that bills be paid hoti.on oarried. ,R letter from the %onin and Platinin Co imission was read reco sfriendin ; that a. clause e ed to an appropriate orcl.inance requiring tkae pourin of a si e alkc the ^ridth of the lot o P eaoh new single or multi® ►le family d vellin to beil.t in he f iture in 5anp;er. A otion was made