06/05/1967-CC-Minutes-RegularP,=iay 15 9 1967 The City Council met i.n regular session with h-}ayor Johnson, and Gouncil� men :Cooper, .�.cker9, Pate9 Gentle, and Ready pr.esenta The ordinance concerning the rate c}aange with l,otze ��tar Gas Company was discussed® h;iotion was made by Acl�er atzd seconded by Cooper to accept the ordinance, lv}otion carried® Constable Bill Carter and l�ightwatchman Sammy Voss met wi-t)a the counoil asking that tho nightwatchman be paid a straight salary/instead of Iaim having to collect from the merchants® Motion vas made by Rowdy and seconded by Pate of offer haYn it�325®a0 per month salary® ��}otion cap:^riod a,nd Mr, Voss accepted® Tire Chief J. �® Ilampton met with the oouncil in regard to coutz-try f lre9 ai1t� Ytleet3.n� wc'c�a 'GYa� t:uaaiiil;6�:i,�.v�m.;�'.; C:U to �.'�Y,e 11iaf Or and C017nC1lmen agreed to g� along tivitlY bTr. Iia�Ypton on his decision® �'�iss l�linnie Seal was a F�ointed '1?a�c 1lssessor®Collector. Jack Burkholder, Jack �'�-rmstrong' Johnnie Coker anal �® C. halters ���,� met with the oouncil coYzcerning lights at t��e baseball hold, 1*�iotion wa.s made by Cooizer and seoonded by Gentle to build a line and Put up throe �5 ��'i%� i�,ransformers at the field® ��oti.on carried® �l'he bids on the tractor9 mowor9 and loader ��rere discussed and a motion :vas made by heady anal seconded by Pate to accept the lowest bid that is up to specifications® Motion carried® ��iotion eras made to adjouxxa and carried® 1, City Seoretary ('; Rxayor T'he City Counc7.l net °l.n rr�,9z A.v a���ti.nvo Pvi,th. R�a,vor �Tohnson� and Council men Cooper' Pate, Gentle, and I-teady prdsent, Mre ��cker zvas absent �.ze to the illness of ASrs, ll.o�cer® Billy lvarl Srvit�er and .E1ndy llnderson of the Allis Chalmbrs Company met with t}ae Counoil i.n regard to a nYisunderstanding of bids on the tractor and rclo�vor' and front end loader® John i,, Sullivan was instructed to write a letter for Switzer explaining the situation, City attorney S�a_llivan was present for the meetings l+our members of t}io `k'oung 13epubl�.cans of asking for perr�Yission to have a carnival with a, display of fire works® Motion was by Pate to let them have the carnival on Fvorks display on the ball field, Motion �lr�ierica zYiet with the Counoil in Sanger on the dt�� of July made by Cooper and seconded -the park and have �1xe fire® carrieda Minutes of the previous meeting were read ands approved. The bills were read and a motion was made by Cooper and seconded b,y Pate that bills be paid® �iot9_on carried.. 11 letter from the honing and Planning Commission was read recommending that a, clause e�`a ed to an appropriate orc}.finance requiring the pouring; of a si e a.11c the width of the lot of each n.eYv single or m.ultim �Yle family dwelling to beil-t in he future in Sanger® Motion was made by Cooler and seconded by Pate to gccept the recommendation. carried. �I Motion Alotion was mode by Pate and seconded by Co� erg o carried. R4ayor OAe City Secretary June 199 196? Motion The City Council met in re�;u.la.r session with A�layor Johnson' and Councilmen /4eker� Pate' Gentle and heady present. City employees Denison, Howard, and Dominguez net with the Council and Mayor Johnson urged that more cooperation be shown and that the employees work together in all their work. Ile also said that the city secretary had the authority to hire and fire. �Iinutes were read and approved. Alotionmade by %i.eacly and seconded by Pate that employees be paid for vacation time. Motion carried. llge and insurance concerning Carl Bati.s w.^,s discussed and it was deckled to ask him to resign. Motion carried. Prlotion was made by heady and seconded by CT entle carried. July 11, 7r967 to adjournMotion . Due to the fact that July 3rd was -the evening before July 4�-� holiday9 the council met in a called or delayed meeting with Mayor Johnson and Councilmen Coopers Pate' Gentle, and Ready present. Alinutes were read and approved. The bills were read and motion was made by fate and seconded by Cooper that same be paid. iyiotion carried. It was discussed about the meetingof boys and girls at the old Sanger Alotor Company and tide cityr se.cref,ary was asked to check to see if a mercury light placed on the pole at this location might help the situation. Alotiota was made by Cooper end seconded by, Gentle to adjourn. Motion carried. Mayor 2A City Secretary