07/11/1967-CC-Minutes-Specialby Cooler and seconded by fate to accept the recommendation. Motion carried. � A9otion was made by Pate and seconded by Co )er% o IdjoMotion parried. - ur. . June 19, 1967 Tlae City Council met in re�u.lar session with h�tayor Johnson, and Counciliiten Acker, Pate, Gentle and Heady present. City employees Denison, Howard, and Dominguez met with the Council and Mayor Johnson urged that more cooperation be shown and that the employees work together in all. their work. Ile also said that the city secretary had the authority to hire and fire, R�linutes were read and approved. Motionmade by heady and. seconded by Pate that employees be paid for vacation time. Motion parried. 1�ge and insurance concerning Carl Bads w^s discussed and it was decided to ask hint to resin. Motion carried. Motion was made b,y Ready and seconded by G entle to adjourn. carried. July 11, 19h7 Motion Due to the fact that July 3rd was -the evening before July dt� holiday, the council met in a called or delayed meeting with Mayor Johnson and Councilmen Cooper, Pate, Gentle, and Ready present. Minutes were read and approved. The bills were read and motion was made by Pate and seconded by Cooper that same be paid. Motion carried. It was discussed about the meetingof boys and girls at the old Sanger Motor Company and the city secretary was asked to check to see if a mercury light placed on the pole at this location might help the situation, Motion was made by Cooper nd seconded by ,.Gentle to adjourn. Motion carried. 11ayor 2A City Secretary