10/16/1967-CC-Minutes-Regularq$ The City Council met in a called meeting with Mayor Johnson and Councilmen Cooper, Acker, Pate, Gentle, and Ready present. The meeting was in regard to Fred Denison,Jr.,&Dwight Howard quitting their job on that day. Mayor Johnson contacted Bobby Jim Kline to come to the meeting and offered him the job of electric maintenence work. He was to let them know by Monday, October 16, 1967. The Council asked the mayor and city secretary to see Willie Mc- Carty about cleaning his lots as the health department found some mosquito larvae that carried yellow fever. The meeting adjourned since there was no other business. 6 Mayor.( " City Secretary October 16, 1967 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Johnson and Councilmen Cooper, Acker, Pate, Gentle, and Ready present. The minutes were read and approved. Bobby Jim Kline met with the Council in regard to the job offered him in the Oct. 1112 meeting and he turned down the offer. Ai®tion was made by Cooper and seconded by Pate to adjour The motion carried and the group attend a civic meeting 'Ut:'410 May i City Secretary Nov. 6, 1967 I Mayor The City Council met in regular session with Ainutes were F, and app9ved. Phe bills were read and motion was made by Pate and seconded by Gentle that these be paid. dotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Pate that if.Jeff Ford lim, he can do so provided he i'. $150.00on his #1 bills i deposit and $25.00 permonth plus his current bill'until the vhole amountpaid. 0 1. carried. No otherwill be acceptv A4otion was made by Acker and seconded by Cooper to giveyD.ight Howard $$400.00 per month® Motion carried. ." Motion was made by Gentle and seconded by Pa t0 J4 n"i. ter