11/20/1967-CC-Minutes-RegularNov. 20, 1967 heCity Councilmet , 5r session with Mayor.. i ilmen Cooper, Acker, Pateg Gentle and Ready present. ounci he minutes of the previous meeting x" read and approved. fter some discussion Cooper made motion �seconded by Ready to mploy Tommie Garland ; 1 11 11 /. month. otion carried. 1 discussion of termites Pate 1]/, the motioonded by Gentle to hire dams r 11 i iCo.of Denton Jexas to do the City Office and 1 •. ost 1ffice $or $175.00, Motion carried, a t made motion �secon1 1 : 1 „ t - carried. Dec. 4, 1967 4, 1 1 Cooper,•: 1Readypresent. inutes were read and approved. The bills were read and Councilm 1 i made a moti4 i seconded by i ».. ,.. pay the bills. Motion arrIed. In a bank account report the tax sinking fund has a balance of 98824.42 and Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker to transfer $5,000,00 from this fund to the savings account fund. Motion carried. `..tructed to anop around ior a good Dut cneap macnine RIM ilreportus 3 1 F Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Ready to adjourn. Motion carried. rti I-j Mayor City Secretary Dec. ,A The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Johnson and Council® men Cooper' Acker' Gentle' Ready' and Pat® present, Robert C. Courtney met with the Council to discuss the cities sewer } problems. Heis to check about a federal grant. The minutes were read and approved. Motion was made by Gentle and seconded by Cooper to give all the city employees $10.00 each for Christmas. Secretary Anderson ask about paying the city employees vacation pay that did not take vacations. Motion was made by Gentle and seconded b Acker to pay employees for time not taken. Motion as made by Ready and seconded by tkert® adjou iv. Motion carried. M Ayor �g/" v City Secretary