12/04/1967-CC-Minutes-RegularNov. 209 1967 he City Council ,� $ / ilmen Cooper, Acker, Pate, Gentle and Ready present. ouncl he minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Ifter some discussion t 1 { made motion aimoseconded 1 • Ready tYr mploy Tommie:{.t at the salary of $ 11 11 per month. I,otion carried. 1n discussion of 1 Pate made a motion «{=t by : t z f 1 1 :1t dams t Exterminator S Denton .. e Officeu 11 carried, ate made motion mooseconded by Ready to / jo do xijrn//, carried, Dec. 4, 196? ounci .. were read and approved. -read and 4 1 11 w.00per made a motion, seconded by Gentle to pay the bills. Motion t® hire the I In a banlc account report the tax sinking fund has a balance of 98,824.42 and Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker to transfer 5,000®00 from this fund to the savings account fund. Motion carried. A cheek writing machine was discussed and Secretary Anderson was in® structed to shop around for a good but cheap machine and report to the council his findings. A4oti®n was made by Cooper and seconded by Ready to adj®urn. Motion carrieMEN MENNOMMIS d. Mayor ("_f City Secretary Dec. 18, 1967 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Johnson and Council® men Cooper, Acker, Gentle, Ready, and Pate present. Robert C. Courtney met with the Council to discuss the cities sewer problems. Heis to check about a federal grant. The minutes were read and approved. Motion was made by Gentle and seconded by Cooper to give all the city employees $10.00 each for Christmas. Secretary Anderson ask about paying the city employees vacation pay that did not take vacations. Motion was made by Gentle and seconded b Acker be pay employees for time not taken. Motion 'was made by Ready and seconded by etle�t® adjo� Motion carried. May®r