01/02/1968-CC-Minutes-Regular100 The City Council met in postponed sessionto the fact that hnsont and Councilmen Coopor, Icker, Patep and Gentle es. Ready r a a ::•UUMWOMAZLILIX Bills were read and motion was made by Pate and seconded by Gentle that bills be paid. ..Motion was made Motion carried. by Pate and seconded/by Co pe-r .to adjourn. Mayor t( C'ty Secretary • The City Council met in regular session with Mayor J®hns®n, and Councilmen Pate, Ready' Acker, Gentle' and Cooper present. Minutes were read and approved. Buford Jones of Gainesville met with the council to see if.he could keep the dump ground for one year' with him getting all the availabik salvage and keep a man on the grounds to see that lhese?who• dumped their own trash would dump in the back of the grounds instead of the front. Motion was made' by Acker and seconded by Gentle to let him have this for one year. Motion carried. Bill Carter was given the authority t "start assessing taxes. A C. Courtney met with the council to open bids on the new fire hall. 'Mesce Metal Builders of Grapevine was low bidder with $$59'823.00 Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Ready to let them build same. Motion was made by Pate and seconded by Acker todour n.,Motion carried. `q Mayor �22d:: City Secretary Feb. 5, 1968 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Johnson and Councilow 3111 Carter met with the Council about magazine salesmen. e Mayor read a n ordinance from Grapevine concerning same and a motion was mm nade by Gentle and seconded by Pte to adopt this ordinance. M• • Minutes were read and approved. The bills were read and motion was made by Cooper and seconded by heady to pay bills. Motion carried. The council asked the City Secretary to make with* Voss and%Earle Coward concerning Howard night watching part t//bfibo, Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker,,Ao 4djoux'n A� Mayor' Cltv Secretary