04/01/1968-CC-Minutes-RegularApril 1, 1968 CouncilThe City met in regular session with" Johnson and Uouncilmen 3eaperg Ackero and Ready pre33*Llls were read and Ready made a sent. which wasseconded by Acker to pay the bills. Motion carried. Mayor Johnson requested B*ll L; I arter to help with traffic on Saturday night to see -that hot rodding be stopped, and to also check an Paul Jenderson'sbox house. ,f. April 15, 1968 .souncilmen Cooperta Pate, Gentle, present. Jinutes were read 1 approved. Phe Council election votes as follows* E. M. Acker--------63 R. E. Ready--------62 Jack McReynolds-----2 Ken Cornell---------2 T. C. Wilson--------1 Melvin A400re--------2 Edgar Ridge---------2 Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker to adjourn. ied. ff f Bills were read and Motion was by ds / and seconded by Pate to pay bills. Motion carried Hampton asked for s_ raise and Irf was made by es► and seconded ►Pate t: give him $300.00 per fW idnzik Motioncarried. ft Motion was made by Gentle and seconded by Ready to by Jack Bowman's ackho for $1800.00 and ►;..y him: r;411 MI per month same is paid L# T. Kerby met with the council concerning selling some of his lauLl to Vie c, a be added to the sewer plant. askin $3000.00 for land Being JL emitted from the minutes of Feb► ft M Howard : K.. '. 3 raised.being f. record