04/15/1968-CC-Minutes-RegularIM 31""N"PIR!f CouncilThe City met in regular session h Mayor Johnson and Uouncilmen and Ready present. 3111s were read and Ready made a was a f by Acker to pay the bills. Motioncarried. JohnsonMayor ^f ea Bill arter to help with traffica: Saturday might see-thatrodding be f ► and to also check an Paul s a box house. Motion was made b Y Acker and seconded b C®o��e ®gad ouirn. ®ti®a carried. Y J City Secretary April 15' 1968 kiinutes were read and approved. The Council canvassed the election votes as follows: Eo M. Acker-®®-__®_63 R. E. Ready®---- 62 Jack McReynolds--- 2 Hen Cornell------ 2 T. C. Nilson®®---- l Melvin Moore---®- 2 Edgar Ridge------ 2 Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker to adj®urn. Motion carried. Bills were read :®a Motion was madef a e by s o pay bills. Motioncarried ac asked for a: raise and motion was made by - o f and seconded by a to give him $311 11 per r+ gnmik Motion carried. Motion was made by e.. and secondedby Ready by i 3 1 a.: _. backhoe for $1800.00 and pay him $600.00 per mouth until same is paid c met with the council concerning selling somt he e of land � to be added o m sewer plant. az n rev 1 i i 11 a c txzx norzn oi present plant to tne 11 oaf^ Ir .. notion and was seconded by Acker to buy same. Lotion carried. 3eing emitted from the minutes of Feb. 1 1 ,y 1 being record a s same date, a_ y City Secretary y.