06/03/1968-CC-Minutes-RegularCharlie Draper met with the council and asked f®r permission f,or the Y®ung Republicans ®f America to have a carnival on the park on July 4�. The c®until told them they could nse the park. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved® � 'Che bills were read and motion was made by Read�and seconded by C®oper � that bills be paid. Motion carried®Motion was mde by, early nd seconded � by A.eker to adj®urn. M®tion carried. y ' __ ._ _- �` 1 � �� Mayor � City Secretary June 17, 1968 Th® Council met in regular session with Mayor Johnson, and Councilmen Cooper, ,Acker, Pate, Gentle, and Ready present® Mrs. Eunice Gray met with the council in regard to driving noises and hotrodding. The council hired �I. M. Waide to work the Friday and Saturday night shifts. The minutes of previous m®sting were read and appr oved® C. C. Carter met with the council and asked for a salary raise® Council man Read made• a motion which. was seconded by Pat® to raise his to 300®00 per month® Motion carried® Mayor Johnson asked the council for permission to join the Small City Solid l��ste Municipal Organization. Motion was made by Gentle d s®coed®d by Pate to join® Motion carried. r The City Council m®t in regular session with Mayor Johnson and Councilmen Cooper, Acker, Pate, Ready, and Gentle pr®sent. E Minut®s were read and ateproved. l City Secretary Anderson presented a letter to the council which Mayor Johnson read from the Zoning Bo d asking th® council to accept Jimmie Kirby/s petition for rezoning a lot on Bolivar S�. d 35E. Motion was mad® by Acker and seconded by Ready to accept same. Motion carried. �/ Bills were read and approved. The Ladies auxiliary of the Chamber of Cotrurlerc® met with the council asking if somethin could be done about getting loth cleaned in town. The city agreed t furnish a truck when needed.