06/17/1968-CC-Minutes-Regulart 4 ' 1 € � � �., r r-�� 1 1. i 1 i 1 s 7 � ! 1 1. + .i e t aad motion way made by Read�and �otiou carried.M®tion way mde by Motion carried® �' ! 1. F 1 / " ��► 111. r i i w ,. • � �, > � ;: � f � � � N i G • � � ., � , ! - �. .� �� ♦�" � • i �• '�� The City Council m®t in regular session with. Mayor Johnson and Councilmen Cooper, �,cker, Pate, Ready, and Gentle present® I Minutes were read and a»proved® City Secretary ,Anderson presented a letter to the council which Mayor Johnson read from th® honing Board asking th® council to accept Jimmie Kirbyss petition for rezoning a lot on Bolivar St® d 35E. Motion was mad® by Ack®r and seconded by Ready to accept same® Motion carried® �/ Sills were read and appr�v®d® The Ladies �4uxiliary of the Chamb®r of Comm®rc® m®t with the council asking if some thin could be done ab®ut getting lots cleaned in town. The city agreed t i'urnish a Muck when ne®dedw