07/01/1968-CC-Minutes-Regular4 . i �� �a�,. �,� m� .� �•r i •c•� •� r • � • r � � � � . , � � " � '' ^� r i. � • a s � � �,.' r� x � � � •� a [- t �. - t a. ► � � � ,.. ,.. * k ... a a o ,.[ �a a ., �_ rs. :.,. .. � ���. €.. - 1. 9 ,�r`,,,///g%� 91 • • _ } �. >. +' � � • � - T R � ♦ • .. � • • � M i r � � Mari t�i�1Mf[�iR.��fi+� • �- • _ • The City Council met in r®gular session with Mayor Johnson and I, Councilman Cooper, Acker, Pate, Ready, and Gentle present® 'I Minutes ware read and a»proved® City �scretary .A,ndsrson presented a letter to the council which Mayor Johnson read from the honing Board asking the council to accept Jimmie KirbyBs petition for rezoning a lot on Bolivar St® d 35E. Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Ready to accept same® Motion carried. �,/ Bills were read and appr®vsd® The Ladies .Auxiliary of the Chamber of Commerce met with the council asking if some thin could bs dons about getting loth cleaned in town. Ths city agreed t furnish a truck when ne®d®d® M • • Motion was mad® by Pate and seconded by Ready to adjourn. Motion carried :I V ��� July 15, 1968 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Pro Tem Acker and Councilmen Cooper, Gentle, And Ready present. Mayor' Johnson arrived later. Councilman was out of town. Minutes were read and approved. Samrnio Voss met with the council asking for a raids in salary. This request was tabled until the next meeting. Another patrol car was discussed and a motion was made by Acker and seconded by Ready to get some specifications and ask fob bids. Motion carri ed. The council asked that th® City Secretary see the Railroad Company requesting a signal light at the south crossing in town. .• • • _♦ f�!Z seconded by Cooper to adjourn. c, � _ _ �ay ®i' The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Johnson and Council men Cooper, Acker, Pate,Gentle, sn� being present. Ready was out of town. Minutes were read and approved. `1'he bills were read and Councilman Cooper made the motion and Pate seconded the motion that bills be paid, Motion carried. `Ptie c®uncil agreed to pay �2.25 per empl®yea on hospital insurance for . all that invested in same. biAtion vas made by Pate and seconded by Gentle to adjourn.1,Mo�tion�� arried. � � �' Mayor City Secretary