08/19/1968-CC-Minutes-RegularI The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Johnson and Councilmen Cooper, ticker' Pate' Gentle' and Ready present. en Uornell met with the council with grievances on house moving perml on small houses he builds and moves, also about the Lone Stan Gas Co iot giving him service on new jobs, and the sewer situation to Northga addition. 1.e council tooko action on above. Bid were opened on the new Police Car. IIilz Ford Sales of -Pilot Poiht were low bidders with the bid of $2,222.14. Banner Chevrolet had a bid of 2,433.44. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker to buy the Ford. Motion carried. The next meeting of the council was changed to Sept. Monday was a holiday. Motion was made by Ready and seconded by P tIts''a City Secretary 3rd due to the fact tiara carried. men • • i.. " Gentleg and Ready present. councilMr. Sturdivant and Mr. Smith of Brazos Electric Power Company met with • regard to changing to 4160 volts.Secretary Anderson send them a map of the electric lines in the,city. Ken Cornell met with the council in regard to his grievances on the sewer line on Loop 138. The zziatz Council will go 100'. House moving �" 1 ! 11 , building a buildings, As to the gas lines and connections he was told he would have to go to Denton s. • talk to the gas11•at t regard to this problem. Minutes were read and approved. Bills were read and motion was made by Mr. Acker seconded by Pate to pay the bills. Motion carried. Moti®n was made by Cooper and seconded by Ready to adjourn. Motion carried. City Secretary