10/21/1968-CC-Minutes-Regulara 06 Sept. 169 1968 `Phe City Council met in regular session with Mayor Johnson and Council- man Cooper, Acker, Pate, Gentle, and Ready present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Motion was made by Pate and seconded by Cooper to 'adjourn. Motion / carried.All �� ar ,._ Ma or City Secretary Oct. 7, 1968 Alnutes were read and approved. The bills were read and motion was made by Ready and sec®nded by Pate that bill be paid. Motion carried. Motion was made by Pate and seconded by Ready to adjourn. Motion carried14 ell Ile . )' le I City Secretary Oct. 21, 1968 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor pro tem Acker and Councilmen Cooper, Gentle, and Ready present. Mayor Johnson and Council® man Pate were absent. Minutes were read and approved. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Gentle to buy rock from MoKinney Rc Deaton for Pilot Point r®ad from 2nd to 5� Streets. b�otfon carried. lfommy Garland met with the council and asked for a raise of 25.00 per month. The Councilmen asked him to si wait until all members of the council were present. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Ready to ask Constable Carter to have Mr. A. R. Kruger move old cars, lumber, and concrete out of ditch East of his house since it is backing water up in other places. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by tle tofadjour<.., Carried. ell Y� A J Mayor ,r City Secretary