01/20/1969-CC-Minutes-RegularJanuary 14, 1969 The City Council met in a called session with t�iay'or pr® tem Acker and Councilmen Cooper, Pate, Gentle and Ready present. Ai�ayor Johnson being out ®f town. Air. John Etheridge and Air. Leonard Ilerain met with the council in re- gard to financing the electric and sewer systems en bonds or conventi®n- al lean. Air. Etheridge agreed to help on the financing by bonds.- These men ale® discussed advertising the city but the co ���cil � d not wish to undertako this at this time. e� � �� The meeting was adjourned. `/ ( ����� City Secretary January 20, 1969 Aiayer`�r® tem The City Council met in regular session with Aiayor Johnson and Council- men Cooper, .Acker, Gentle, Ready, and Pate present. Aiinutes of the called ffieeting were read and appr®ved. The Council discussed the celery of 1k�aymon T�aide and Aiotion was made by. C®oper and seconded by Acker to pay �10,00 per night salary and �b.00 car rent. Aiotion carried. It was agreed that the council would like to meet with the State Health Of i ie er . Aiotion was made by heady and seconded by Pate to ad j;��'urn.;�Fxiotion carried. City Secretary February 3, 1969 r The City Council met in regular session with A�fay®r Johnson, and C®uncil- men Gentle, Ready, acker, and Cooper being present. Pate was absent. City Aiarshall Bill Carter met with the Council regard to Saturday night law enforcement and the council rehired Jerry Afitehell to be a deputy. Air. John Etheridge and Aira. forester and Air. Hamilton met with the council.en bonds with City Attorney John L. Sullivan. The two are to see �l'exas Power and Light Company on retiring of the old bonds. Bob C®urtraey met with the council with -plans on sewer plant. a figure of 61,000.00 to present to the council. A4inutes v�rere road and approved. The council discusses summer rates and City Secretary Anderson a cheek of outlets. Bills were read and rc�oti®n was made by Acker and seconded b ,: Aiotion was made by Ready and seconded b,y CTentle �' ad��iari2. is to ri; eke t x ^� e ca,r,�ied. City Secret