03/17/1969-CC-Minutes-Regular'� ® � February 17, 1969 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Johns®n' and Council- men Acker' Pate' Cooper' and Gentle present. Ready was absent. A&A LPG Transport C®mpany wrote the council a letter asking for an ex- tensionu until July on the storage tanks at the butane storage west of town. The council granted them the time. A;r. C., �-.II. Easley of the First National Bank met with the c®uncil and asked for a one way street in the alley north of the Sanger Insurance Comapany. The council gave him the permit. ; The c®uncil called an election f®r a mayor and three councilmen to be held on April 5�. Motion was made by Air. Acker ;end seconded by A9r. fate to ask for bids en 3 transformers 333 KVA. M®tion carried. ity Secretary and seconded by Ge .e ��� �' f��a��>ESI�!l �J� 7t�,. b_- � � � � ,..� � ��� tioxa Mimes were read and apl�r®ved, The bills were read and C®®per made m®ti®n to pay bi11s, and it- was sec®nded by Acker.te M®ti®n earriedo 'r ��► �. x« ► �� � �r ��� , n������- Ceity Secretary March 17' 1969 Ai®ti®n Minutes were read and ap��roved. R. C. Courtney met with the council in regard to the raising ®f weer rates. M®tion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker t® raise rates as f ®11®ws:' Residences-------1.50 for firffit c®mm®de and .25¢ f®r eae� � Businesses additional cetmn®de. This included echo®ls and Horsing homes. Laundries-__--_--®3.00 f®r first 24 washers and�.25¢ for each additional washer. This motion carried. Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Rudy to ask for bids on the electrical equipment for 4160 switchewer. M®tion carried. Moti®n was made by Ready and sec®x�ded by Pa�� t� adj.®��n. k9�tion serried. < -� � , �fl�.� �]